Thursday, May 29, 2008

For Funnies :-)

Elise appears on Savage Minds!

In other news, Should we agree to read the first one in a week, two weeks? Fict. of Fem. Ethnog.?


Bess said...

Yeah, I knew about the Elise piece. Interesting huh? SHE'S FAMOUS!

As for the first book, let's just call it Visweswaran's Fictions of Feminist Ethnography. I'll figure out how to make a poll vote on the rest later. I've been up and crazy busy since 5AM... :( Just got home.

Night all!


Cobalt said...

Yeah, I'm digging the Visweswaran instead of Anderson. Anderson has this habit of quoting long passages in other languages, and moving on under the assumption that his readers are cool with anthro jargon in French, German, and... I dunno. Some other language.

We'll start with English and move on to the hard stuff!


Samantha said...

I've not read Anderson. But I would likely be irritated at that as well. good observation Holmes! So When's we startin!?